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Archive for category: away on business

A new toy and 38 degrees below zero

04 Feb 2012 / in away on business, News

Two weeks ago I got the next Samsung mirroles camera NX 20 with a couple of lenses from Samsung Korea. As usual I had to deal with anoying customs in Germany since something as a prototype is not exsiting in their thinking. Anyway when I was testing the older modell NX 200 for Samsung a […]

Current Location 78° 54′ 0″ N, 18° 28′ 12″ E

08 Aug 2011 / in away on business, work

I’ve joined the crew of the sailing vessel »Antiqua« and expedition leader Rolf Stange ( on a three weeks cruise around Svalbard as tour guide and photo instructor for the guests of GeoRG. For more info see also my commercial project The Svalbard Diaries

New Sauna Trip and Teaching at TAMK

28 Jan 2011 / in away on business, work

I will be away on a teachers exchange at TAMK University for the next six weeks. While teaching as a guest Professor at TAMK I will have the chance to continue the work on my longterm project The New World of Sauna. Furthermore after a long periode of suffering and living a life without sauna, […]